Thursday, May 22, 2008

John McCain: Worse than Bush?

Let us create a hypothetical situation: The President of the United States goes to a foreign country and attempts to kneecap members of an opposing U.S. party. Yes, to celebrate Israel's 60th anniversary our leader would give a completely irrelevant speech about how members of the Democratic party were of course Nazis. Now, speaking hypothetically, telling a group of people, who happen to be Jewish, that the second incarnation of Hitler is about to be elected would amount to... Fear mongering?

No, just being an asshole. Is George W. Bush so self absorbed that he really thought Israelites gave a shit about our elections? I mean when they are celebrating 60 years of struggling to be a nation? Well apparently, he was giving them the heads up so if the "Nazi" Democrats were elected Israel could do something about it. Like, attack us or something? This hypothetical was a reality that happened over a week ago. I still cannot make heads or tails of what point the President was getting at. It was like watching a thesis paper presentation, given by a fourth-grade special ed student on Israeli relations. Israel = Jewish... Jewish people don't like Hitler. I don't like Democrats. Democrats = Nazis. DONE!

Actually, my fiancé just informed me her third-grade special ed students are smarter than the President.

If President Bush can waltz into other countries and slander the Democratic party I don't see what is so wrong with pointing out the gross hypocrisy coming from the Republican nominee, John McCain. And I won't be committing libel, because the shit I will say is true. Actually, because I'm lazy I will let a nice little film by Robert Greenwald do it for me. If you do not know who Mr. Greenwald is, you better learn quickly. He makes excellent fact-based (really rare) documentaries. He wears the iron-heeled boot of ass-kicking truth.

I took this from the website The Real McCain. Please visit for more information!

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